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Green Media Tools
Pew Climate Center
An Inconvenient Turth
Carbon Activism for Beginners
Rocky Mountain Institute
20 Hydrogen Myths
Global Warming 101
Alliance for Climate Protection

Ideal Bite - Heather Stephenson
Toshio Meronek
Ideal Bite PR Manager
(718) 483-5715
910 Technology Blvd
Suite A
Bozeman, MT 59718
Green Guide Press Queries  Wendy Gordon
Energy Blog
Society of Environmental Journalists
NH Media List
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Center for American Progress Kick the Oil Habit
Apollo Alliance
Environmental Action
G8 Agenda to focus on Oil not Alternatives?
Natural Resources Defense Council    Global Warming
Sierra Club Cool Cities - Global Warming
The Nature Conservancy Climate Change
Amory Lovins - The Hydrogen Powered Future

John Deere EPA's Performance Track

Government Leadership

Northeast Governors

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative


Contacts/ Partners:

Al Gore
The Carter Center
Elizabeth Arnold, NPR
Bill McKibben, Author, Middlebury
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., NRDC
Roger F. Milliken, Jr., Nature Conservancy
Steve Curwood, Living on Earth
Tom Vilsack, Governor of Iowa (corn)


Debra Lynn Dadd,debra@dld123.com,
Gil Friend, Sustainable Marketing  Blog 
Ideal Bite Ideal Bite info@idealbite.com, Heather Stephenson, Green Tips - Shopping 910 Technology Blvd, Suite A Bozeman, MT 59718, featured in Vanity Fair
Ecopledge, 29 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111, (617) 426-5566, info@ecopledge.com

Green Shopping/Procurement:

Federal Government Green Purchasing Agency Links
USDA Biobased Products Catalog Catalog
Treehugger.com, products, green commerce links
green-links NY focused blog
David Orr, Chair of the Environmental Studies Program at Oberlin College, Ohio
Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things Conservation in Practice