Polartec® Ingeo™ PLA Fleece - Made from Corn Grown in the USA!
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  Corn plants absorb CO2 and produce starch
Glucose (sugar)


Excess sugar is stored in kernal
  From corn starch to polymer...
Annually Renewable
We start with an abundant, natural raw material like corn that can be easily and efficiently be reproduced each year.
The Kernals are Milled The corn is milled and the starch is isolated through a screening process.
Fermentation Micro-organisms convert sugar into lactic acid in a process similar to making yogurt.
Production Then the fermentation products are transformed into a high-performance polymer called polylactide, which is branded NatureWorks® PLA.
Fiber Extrusion Ingeo™ fiber is extruded from NatureWorks® PLA
Yarn Spinning The bounty of the prairie is transformed, as if by magic.
And now...
(drum roll)
In arguably the most environmentally sound textile plant in the world, Malden mills knits, dyes, and finishes Polartec® fleece fabric.
Try it on! Chuck Roast cuts the fabric and stitches it into jackets, vests, hats, scarves and mittens in its New Hampshire factory.
  Long term benefits...
Fossil Fuel Resource Use
The annually renewable natural source for Ingeo fibers means we don't have to draw upon depleting fossil fuels.
Reduced CO²
The production and use of Ingeo™ fiber means less greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gasses are the chief contributor to global climate change. Once produced, Ingeo fiber has a natural feel that enhances the end produce when used in apparel, furnishings, fiberfill, carpet and more.
How it's Unmade Compostibility and chemical recyclability mean that under the right conditions and with the right handling, the complete life cycle of production, consumption, disposal and reuse is neatly closed.
Responsible Innovation

The technology to produce NatureWorks PLA allows an abundant, annually renewable resource, corn, to replace finite ones, such as oil and natural gas, in everyday products. NatureWorks LLC is committed to providing and encouraging responsible innovation.This focus on product and process advancement delivers value for the company and its global customer base.

World's First Greenhouse- Gas-Neutral Polymer
Since corn is the feedstock, NatureWorks PLA inherently offers a significant reduction in energy use and greenhouse-gas emissions as compared to petroleum-based plastics.
NatureWorks LLC purchases U.S.-based renewable energy certificates (RECs) which offset any remaining emissions from its Blair, Neb., and Minnetonka, Minn., facilities.
The corn-to-pellet greenhouse-gasneutral position also further reduces fossil fuel use to a level more than 65% less than traditional plastics, such as PET.

Recycling System Integration
NatureWorks PLA aids in landfill diversion by offering the widest array of end-of-life options of any plastic.
It is compatible with existing recycling systems, can be composted, landfilled and incinerates cleanly.
The company has instituted a “buy-back” program in North America to encourage large-scale recyclers and municipal facilities to separate and bale PLA bottles for alternative uses and disposal.

Source-Options Programs
NatureWorks LLC offers three sourceoptions programs for customers who view corn variety as an important market issue.
Available programs include certification, through an internationally recognized third-party organization, that the polymer has no genetic content; a source offset option (guarantees an equal amount of non-genetically modified corn is purchased and delivered to our process facility), and a seed-to-finished-product identitypreserved grade of NatureWorks PLA.
By allowing customers to select the option that best fits their specific requirements and desired level of market impact, these programs make it even easier for retailers and brand owners to adopt NatureWorks PLA.

More about PLA